Tuesday, March 16, 2010

placing fullstops and commas in life

We always dream about a perfect life. But the extent of the perfection of our life is decided by non but us. If I think that this is my perfect life I have got what I wanted and your perfect life is yours when whatever you have specified in your perfect life is achieved by you.

But how does one reach to that definition of perfection?? when I say if I have a car, a house, a good job, and a dog I have a perfect life......yes that is a perfect life.... then the need starts one house naah I should have an other holiday home that will make everything perfect....then when you have that house you say you want an other car cause one is not always available...ok you even get that do we settle on it?? The list always has add-ons.

I don’t say that’s wrong we humans are made like that we are never happy with what we have...we always want more and this need or I would call it greed will never make a perfect life for us, cause we always keep on adding some thing new to our goals when we get the previous thing......I would say nobody can have a perfect life the more you achieve the more our needs increase if at all we are happy at a point also others- lets call it society doesn’t allow us to enjoy our perfect life, they force us to think about there perfect life or how they wanted it and tell us so much about it that we start thinking that ours is not the perfect life....these things never end and we remain unsatisfied with everything that we have for which we invest all the soul and time of our life, we buy the best of things for ourselves but never enjoy them is there any end to such kind of greed??
Then the question arises how is one supposed to have this perfect life of there own....
well even I don’t know the answer for this....I would say be happy with whatever we have and that would settle everything but when I say I’m happy with what I have, people end up saying that I’m not ambitious or I’m not serious about life, every one might say that don't care what people say do what ever your heart says......but at the end of the day we are the part of this society and we live in it......and so we have to take it seriously no matter how much we want to break free from it .... Everybody talks about bringing a change even I talk about bringing the change but the question is how?? Consciously or subconsciously we are all the part of the same system and have been doing the things which we now think of changing.
so the conclusion is be greedy  and don't enjoy life because you are the part of a greedy society and if you have to survive and be "happy" one should accept the golden rules of the society and join the race to have a "perfect life"


  1. Nothing's perfect, men and things only move towards perfection

    -- Ranjith

  2. yup your right nothing is perfect....but what I'm trying to explain is that everyone has there own definition to perfect life...it is our life and we decide the dynamics of that perfect life no one but you can satisfy yourself with your life...

  3. @anisha: "....no one but u can satisfy yourself with your life". Sometimes it becomes difficult to satisfy even urself with your life. dat is wen it drives people to do crazy stuff.

  4. mite be....thts wat i wanted to put forth
